
24 Jun 2020

Best Practices of Forecast Pass in Demand Planning

Best Practices of Forecast Pass in Demand Planning

The final moment when a demand plan attains Nirvana is when it is passes from the Demand side to the supply chain....

This trigger is termed the "forecast pass" or "forecast release" - although I like the first term better the second term has taken a life of its own given SAP uses this.

Best practice is for companies to have a defined moment in their S&OP cycle to pass the forecast to supply chain so that the MPS and RCCP can start this process.

However, many companies do it multiple times and in an adhoc way - something that can be treacherous for good planning.

How often do you pass the forecast in your process?

Twice a month, once a week? Does it matter?

I have also seen a few companies that say they don't pass the forecast because supply planners always have access to the demand planning system!!

Review the building blocks of a good DP process at

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