How to forecast in excel? Join us on September 21-22, 2011 in Boston at the Demand Planning Tutorial.
Based on some of the inputs from our clients, workshop attendees and the chatter on Linked-In, we will be doing a 45 minute session on how to forecast in excel using Decomposition models.
This session will explain how to decompose the data to understand level, trend and seasonality. Once we have these three components we can build the blocks to create a demand forecast. .
We will compare the calculated r-square and MAPE values from three different statistical models – one from a leading forecasting tool second from using multiple regression in excel and third from the decomposition models. A discussion on the above will illustrate the nuances involved while forecasting in Microsoft Excel.
We encourage attendees to bring their dataset and compare the results of their current practices with that of Microsoft Excel.
If you are interested in getting extra mileage out of your Excel for your forecasting, then this workshop is a great opportunity!
Note that the early bird price of $895 expires in seven days!
Dates: 21st and 22nd September 2011
Where: Four Points by Sheraton, Norwood, Boston-MA
Visit here for agenda and other details: .
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