Demand Planning & Forecasting

Demand Planning & Forecasting :

Demand Planning & Forecasting Workshop

Holistic Demand Planning - Modeling and Diagnostics

This workshop will explain the methodology and process behind accurate demand forecasts and how to effectively use sales and marketing intelligence to arrive at a consensus plan. The focus will be on-demand modeling using popular statistical models, the methodology to perform model diagnostics, forecast accuracy measurement, and the process to incorporate market intelligence.

Available in the following formats: web workshop, on-site workshop at your location, or as a public training course.

Detailed Outline of The Workshop:
Demand Planning Overview:
  • Demand Planning Basics
  • Mechanics of the Forecasting Process
  • Organizational Structure
  • Role of a Demand Planner
Consensus Demand Plan:
  • Dollarizing the Demand Plan
  • Category Forecasting & top-down Demand Plan
  • Financial Plan and the “Gap” Process
  • Reconciling the bottom up & the top-down forecasts
Mechanics of Forecast Modeling:
  • Forecast Modeling
  • Time Series Methodology
  • Baseline versus event forecasting
  • Unconstrained vs. Constrained Demand Plan
Forecast Performance Metrics:
  • Mean Absolute Percent Error
  • Forecast Bias
  • What do we learn from forecast error?
  • Introduction to Exceptions Management
Collaborative Demand Planning:
  • Setting up a Consensus Process
  • Gathering Promotional and event intelligence
  • Evaluating promotional lifts
  • Achieving consensus with Sales Group
  • Customer Collaboration

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